"sacrifice for the sinners and say often, especially when you
pay the victim:
"O Jesus, I do so out of love for you, for the conversion of sinners
and reparation for the sins committed against
Immaculate Heart of Mary."
(Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, 13 July 1917 r)
pay the victim:
"O Jesus, I do so out of love for you, for the conversion of sinners
and reparation for the sins committed against
Immaculate Heart of Mary."
(Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, 13 July 1917 r)
Mary says to Fr. Stefano Gobbi (06/30/1984)
a My Immaculate Heart of Worship, beloved sons. The church invites you now to contemplate the mystery of love and mercy, hidden in my Immaculate Heart.
b When My Heart worship, we honor the Most Holy Trinity. She replaced him his greatest glory, as it did for My blue garden, a place of His divine pleasure.
c As the Father has reflected with joy. The word is placed in him as a precious cradle. The Holy Spirit is burning in him purest light of His Divine Love.
d When you worship My Immaculate Heart, we honor your mother also. In it contains the secret of special love for me by God and the good graces which adorned me. And so, veneration of my privilege of the Immaculate Conception, Divine Motherhood, take me to heaven with the body, full of grace and My Virginity permanent. The way my heart come to understand and enjoy God's masterpiece, which is your Blue Mama.
e If My Heart will love, you will be clothed with my motherly love and mercy in my immaculate. The greatest depths of My Immaculate Heart shall be the wonder that fill every day for you, making you more and more like me and your souls for transforming my image.
f well I give you my spirit, that you can truly grow in my life today and become a sign of the presence of your heavenly Mother. Shape the purity in you mind, heart and body, thus spreading around My Immaculate yourself glow of Light. I give you my ability to love and open your hearts to the saving refuge for all those who lost on the road of error and sin. I give way to respond to your gentleness, you could be kind and compassionate to all. Will strengthen and give your acts of kindness, you may be able to heal the painful wounds of the sick and poor of all My children - sinners.
g This day you become a concrete expression of my motherly love.
h If wynagrodzicie my zbolaĆemu Immaculate Heart, will become the cause of my great joy and consolation. I'll be able to work through you in these years to realize the plan saved.
and is a plan that still cherish in secret. I disclose it only in my small, my host invited to worship, love, reward. They are led by me for getting a better understanding of the great mystery of love and mercy of My Immaculate Heart.
"For priests, the beloved children of Our Lady"
290 Mystery of My Immaculate Heart
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