żurnalisto Quo vadis? first comment will apply to Polish media. About everyone knows, we live in times when it is difficult not to see, do not read, do not listen. As a citizen of the Third Republic happy with the democratic system, which gives some possibilities of development in certain areas and may limit ... But I do not know. The success of "Free Polish." Honorable warn the reader that in many ways I will not be confused with the notions of most citizens this country, experience the community where I come from these contests very often imagined. But this will be another time.
typing in the contestation, say roughly that it is not good. Complaining in this country is not lacking, and I do not like to complain. However, in this case'll make an exception - the illusion of free media in Poland - is not only good and harm, but also shows the actual mechanism of enslavement. But relax, Dear Reader, this blog will not be another citizen-litigant who has a "revolutionary tool naprawdy this state of affairs. I confess - I do not have them. I watch the (professional) and kontestować. Sometimes it is regrettable. Introduction
I went out a lengthy, so I go ad rem. The Republic of raving, raving Wyborcza, Nasz Dziennik raving, raving TVN, a word all the media. The most painful umoczenie media in the political and historical complexities. In college I was taught that when the word "pluralism", all the ends of the stick is to terminate. But when the Polish media write about the East, and specifically about Russia - the stick is in Polish only one end. Dirty, stained with something ugly, bad.
Last week Eve and Thomas Czaczkowska Terlikowski convince each other on the pages Rzepka who best knows Russia, Orthodox Orthodox and who is a better astrologer. Otherwise it's difficult to call people who for one month from the date of the invitation of Prime Minister Donald Tusk for this year's anniversary celebrations at Katyn by Prime Minister Putin, use competitive over their course, words that are spoken, the gestures that will take place. Lacking only the amount of medals dopisku Polish Olympians and the date of the end of the world in 2012.
I understand that journalists write so that the newspapers were bought, but a shame that in this topic so far used the future tense, and so little present. Fortunately, the past tense It is shining like a red dot on the map Polish. Red - because it's the color, the easiest way to associate Russia, Russians, Orthodox, Orthodox, Soviet, Soviet Union, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Rusyns - in short everything in time and space has to the east from the border of the Republic. Thrown into one bag everything that you do not understand what is ksenos, foreign. Aliens were Jews and Gypsies, the aliens are also "Russians."
historical policy that is consistently carried out in Poland since 1989, especially for right-wing government, has gained momentum when it come to pass the Law and Justice. "Odkłamywanie history", or revision of communist regime started with courage, using bulldozers and explosives (read: electoral fireworks), as a kind of demolition of the church sequel'a the Chelm region in the 30s Brainwashing also covered the memories - everyone who lived in a communist regime but a happy day of his youth, will be recognized for his sympathizer, so that "commie", for which there is no place in a new, free, at last a truly Polish Poland. In light of the current line of historical policy, removing the head from a body part of Big Brother in the East, imperceptibly people are starting to be pushed into the other body part of Big Brother in the West. But I do not know.
The hopes of reconciliation - that I had to write about surfing the waves of digression. These hopes have not got Terlikowski, as it is considered an expert on Russia. So as a spec and capable scribe of ochłapów Polish national memory, it rewrites the language of the sentence on the chin with versatility in Polish-sounding aptly - "Russian Orthodox do not do (in the original. Signs - editor. Mine) nothing without the consent of the Kremlin." He continues, "The Russian Orthodox Church is not and has never been an independent partner who could make important decisions without the consent of the Kremlin rulers. Peter I have already created the Holy Synod, which subordinated the religious life of the secular state officials. "Sir Tom, five from history! But let's get to reality. And here start at the stairs. Neatly packaged views have clear cracks. The Russian Orthodox Church over the past 30 years canonized around 1,200 martyrs who died during the period of the Soviet Union. Włodarz in the Kremlin were in this period is different (especially after 1991), the same voice of the Church - the faith which animates the blood of the martyrs demonstrates the evil nature of godless totalitarianism. Hierarchy over the years, dropping from the pedestals of these dignitaries, which the authorities of the day trying to keep some moderation. It's understandable pragmatism, nobody wants the greatest country in the world of the new revolution. And talk about the past 90 years, Russia at the table requires savoir vivre and ordinary diplomacy.
Sir Tom, let's sit down around the black hole - the space where you do not want journalists and other writers similarly noted. This is where pragmatic policy ends and the start of the mystical Church. The authorities in the Kremlin canonization can only accept as a fact, like the monks of the Nilo-wheel stołbieńska Ostashkov, who will be praying for the victims of the totalitarian system. RKP in official documents has repeatedly denounced communism as a system, which created a breach to the authorities. I do not know whether the Kremlin will dare to such a radical view. This shows that the common historical and political lines do not exist. The problem with the reception of Russian and Byzantine system of power in Poland lies in the fact that this system is foreign. He did not know it barbaric West, when the conquest of Rome. He did not know him too the Latin Church, because was the only patriarchy. East cezaropapizmowi alleged papocezaryzmem can be answered in the West. Fruits of this way of thinking we gather today - an apparent part of religion and state is proof of that, because essentially the Poles do give priority to the power of Rome. Do not try to understand the system of power in the east there is nothing to take the dialogue. The West is unlikely to impose their way of thinking the East.
You write the "Great Patriotic War remains a matter of myth, a fundamental component of her thesis is that the Russians and Russia carried the freedom of other nations." I think every nation has the right to similar myths. Nobody does not prohibit the Poles believe that Pope John Paul II overthrew communism in the world. The Myth of Polish as a victim who only heroically weapons, has long been overthrown by Tomasz Gross and others. The Russians have a right to his memory. Are you suggesting that this memory has been processed by the authorities, since the year 1945 escapes of your awareness and direct experience. Today's historical policy in Poland embarrasses many Poles who sincerely rejoiced at the liberation. Naturally, you can now bid who "liberate" more enslave - or the Soviets in '45 against the German occupation and in 2004 europeiści without a fight from the post-communist Third Republic. For half a century, when history will judge the second one - we'll know more. For now I am not exaggerating.
Poles like to talk about dialogue - EU citizens are, after all, where it is probably the most popular word (or even associate the word "grant"). You probably have it in the blood, the so-called historical memory, of which there were already a lot. This specific definition, different from the Greek etymology (dia logos, two words, two thoughts.) Using such a dialogue are made to the Lithuanian princes began to wield Polish Polonize and joining - Also in the dialogue - Ruthenia, which until now mentally raped, calling the land limits. Dialogue, the EU was probably Brzeska - back to the great unity. However, it has a huge hoax ordeal begins to thousands of Christians, which continues today. The dialogue in Polish is subordination. So - dialogujmy about the history of Polish-Russian, or Polish history in Russia.
Good luck!