Here we go!
with opening a blog wore for a long time, things have caused, so that here it is. It was not until, at last. I want to write about things that interest me, burn, celebrate. I have some idea who might be interested. I want to leave a comment.
Area, which would probably be moving too much for a humble blog. Therefore confine myself to those that I speak mostly or discussed at various fora. And so - let them be the Borderland. I'm on the borderline, but today it is difficult to identify a person who is not from the border. In mcLuhanowskiej "small village" sitting crowded, the floor is anyone and everyone it will not fail to deliver. Sit next door. Well, I
adjoins Poland, on the border of two civilizations. It's probably here is the source of my zaciekawień anthropological. I wrote about my civilization, which will find a source in Jerusalem, Constantinople, Kiev and Moscow. I also want to write about my neighbor's civilization, whose roots go back to Rome, the Franks, Germans, and still probably a few others.
It will be a blog about theology, churches, culture, art, identity, languages, nations, and everything that I can find on the road between Warsaw and Bielsko Podlaski who will be my axis mundi.
invite you to read!
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