Thursday, February 25, 2010

Twinsmasterbate Each Other

PS. Sunday, or whether it can be as good of Orthodoxy?

with a small slip write. But this week was as busy as the previous one. And I wanted to share impressions from last Sunday. First Sunday of Lent, otherwise known as the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Liturgy as Every year, though I still can not get the service from anatematyzmami - when he repeats the excommunication imposed on salaried heretykach Church - Ariuszu, Nestoriuszu, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodore of Cyrus and probably even a few others. I wonder then what is the reception of the faithful - or shouting "anaksios? Do you even know what these names mean, that world full of disputes, personal wars (each with a known name is the only orthodoxy), alliances with other bishops, emperors, monks, etc.. Today heretics is no longer true - we could sing. But also we have other times, except in the calmer areas theological disputes. Today they are more vague, undefined - marked with hundreds of footnotes and nuances. Nobody dares someone spit in classic antique manner. There is no fancy nicknames and twists the opponent's name - in the name of a substantive discussion. In a word - live in a world postantycznym.

But this is not what I write. About Orthodoxy. The Sunday morning service at the Will for the kids (my favorite) is not announced what took place. The compact desktop in the middle of the casket (as it turned out - from myrrh), carpet, two icons - one who would have thought in honor of the victory of remembrance over iconoclasm. And there was a lot of Orthodoxy, but not the icons, and sacraments, specifically - Confirmation. Several years (10 to 12?) Adopted a girl named Susan in my eyes Orthodoxy. Like ordinary, and yet. Lubrication myrrh baby and looks different, and makes others feel. At some point I realized that perhaps a little regret adopting two mysteries (baptism and confirmation), while at the time, never mind that I will not. Especially since I did not hear the sounds of choral "Amin" in the words of the priest. This van Gennepowski rite of passage - a brief, deprived of some basic elements, but most importantly - operator. Because socially sanctioned. This was applied chryzma drzewniej the monarch, who thus legitimize could possess the charisma - sacred, were sent in a supernatural way.

Can anything good come from the Orthodox Church? On the rhetorical questions referring to is reading the gospel should not be responding. But on Sunday I felt that I still belong to another civilization than most stretches of the country. World liturgical (gr. leitourgia), where human behavior has properties committed. A pity, but this is not the place for a digression on why the Polish national uprising under the banner of "Solidarity" was not a liturgical behavior, although it had certain characteristics. I can not say whether the remains of a dying civilization are good. However, it is difficult to speak ill of the dying. Is always some regret. I yearn for antiquity as sentimentalists and the civilization that direction. Rays, such as the rite of passage of the Sunday liturgy is a nice, warm ray of the setting - its huge and the only time - the sun.

I promised to write a little about the culture and art, so it can now? In the end prevail with Chopin, as we have in Poland the year of his memory. So now is the music (currently ballads and etudes), previously involuntarily follow the whole of the media shells around the class unless the only music in the history of our country. There were several posters promoting worth noting - even a poster in the flashy colors of a sensational says LIVE or Chopin styled tracksuit (with hands in pockets!), With staves instead of the strip on the sleeve ...

And Literature - New Book by Jacek Hugo-Bader. In total, the new-old, he released this year a set of reports Fri "In paradise valley among the weeds" is a matter of fact the best selection of texts from the years 1993-2001. As usual in hugobaderowskim style - with the rhetoric of anti-imperialism of the journalist with the mission of repair of the world and minds of their interlocutors. This man writes well, ie, puts words in the correct order - but strikes me as an anthropologist, a way of building a relationship with the caller and to build the story. Hugo-Bader is primarily a creator of his reports, not a scribe and an observer. Does not spare people you talk to, likes to be accounted for in the past. After all, worth recommending - especially for lovers countries of the former Soviet Union, to which the group is counted.


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