Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Does My Man Disapeer

Here, even the angels do not help

fact that last year jeszczePrezydent Dombrowicz body from snow gave the city, it may be from the perspective of time and tons of snow, which then fell somehow swallow. But tonight! The Snow attack by mighty little - compared with last year - and the city impassable. Fordońska not odśnieżona, the average speed of 20-30 km / h. Łęczycka which the inhabitants of Bydgoszcz ride from the Upper Terrace Bartodziejów in an awful state! Stone - a nightmare! You can drive a veritable turning pirouettes. I hate to think what would happen today if the Bydgoszcz decreased the amount of snow as in Warsaw and Lodz?
Katowice, much more buried than our beautiful city, but there in the morning the main routes were black, or how you want to be ... Well another setback jeszczePrezydenta, which I think even the angels have no help in getting the office for another term!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How Do I Program The Volume On My Io Remote

203rd LOT from Warsaw

finally succeeded. Today, at the Airport. I. Paderewski dłuuuugo expected landed the plane from Warsaw. Flown it to 15 people. Passengers who paid for the ticket was about 13 or less, because in the inaugural journey of K. Dombrowicz went - even the President of Bydgoszcz - and vice-president Leszek Narowski LOT - not counting the entourage that these two men spoke to each other.
LOT'u President announces to us the success that so quickly was able to start the connection. Unfortunately for Marshall Całbeckiego, this is a serious defeat, because we mamił the merger in March, and here we have the end of November ... I'll leave it without comment, because my words and nerve damage to this man ... LOT
mami us superior in both price page 149 zł - a horse with a row of ago, who at this price can be achieved. I know, there is written from 149 zł and it makes a big difference from ... I played in the reservations and I was able to be traveling back and forth to achieve the lowest amount of 161 zł. A 153 zł, as I would buy two separate tickets Bydgoszcz-Warszawa-Bydgoszcz and Warsaw. But enough complaining, we have another call. Let's hope that this time, our national carrier will not do us a trumpet, and will not refer flights for several hours prior to departure, due to the very low turnout ... Oh
could use a competitor on this and other routes ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jansport Cheap At Ross

202nd Elections 2010

first round for us. The president lost. And very well. This should teach him humility, but I suspect that this is the type of person who does not draw conclusions from such a lesson. Now it will be with us and mamił przymilał us visions of the next four years of his presidency. I hope that the people of Bydgoszcz are so wise that choose Bruski. Dombrowicz squandered the best economic situation. After these eight years we have been able to ride the tram to the train station, Fordon, pokusiłbym and even that on the membrane and the Kujawy. Industrial park should flourish, and there thickets and wilderness. According to me, is unnecessary given cash for the University route, she did not rozkorkuje city. With the money should be widened and lengthened to Kapuściska Kielce, which was built on the second branch of Casimir the Great Bridge and rebuilt Rondo Bernardine of Grain Market. You could exchange and share their omission. I hope that - as they say the Czechs - that nevrátí se.
new president finds indebted city. He will have to fork out money for investments that have been launched. A necessary are huge ...
The regional parliament also a tragedy. Unfortunately, the "representatives" who got there not promise of hope that things will get better. We will have a marshal again, Torun, which will be chopped and former Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz on hand as possible. Well, but what we have this and no other election law ...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Military Tire Changer

Liturgy of James Wall

Raz do roku Kościół prawosławny w Polsce celebruje wyjątkową liturgię według zapomnianego rytu. Trochę historii.

Tradycja Kościoła claimed the credit for the Liturgy of St. James, first bishop of Jerusalem - the apostle James the Lord's brother. Modern liturgists in the majority accept the creation of the boundaries of the Liturgy of the late fourth and early fifth centuries. Adopting this limit does not exclude the possibility that some gesture of prayer and go back to apostolic times. Liturgy of St. James is the origin of Jerusalem, and of all the currently celebrated in the Orthodox Church rite of the Liturgy of his most alludes to Old Testament worship rites.

Divine Liturgy of St. James the Apostle begins the Liturgy of the catechumens. Present in it are, among others Reading the Old Testament (Isaiah), Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel. After the Liturgy of the catechumens is the Liturgy of the faithful, starting Proskomidią. During the transfer of the sacred gifts the choir sings a prayer: "Let all flesh is silent, let the stands with fear and trembling, and did not think of anything earthly. Here's the King of kings and Lord of lords comes to make Himself a sacrifice and give to the food of the faithful. Preceded him and the choirs of angels, with all the Authority and Force, wielooczni Cherubim and Seraphim sześcioskrzydli, covering the face and singing song: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. "In the liturgy of the faithful made up more than that: the Symbol of Faith, Kiss of peace - to persuade heads of Prayer, Prayers of preparation, the Anaphora, the Lord's Prayer, Prayer to persuade heads, preparation for communion - Communion (provided in two forms separately Christ's body and blood of Christ), Thanksgiving, Prayer persuade heads - Distribution, Prayer in diakonikonie.

Liturgy of St. James is and has been celebrated in various languages. Survived until our times in the Greek version, Syrian, Georgian, Armenian, Slavic and the Ethiopians. Its celebration in the Orthodox Church remained to the time of the Patriarch of Constantinople Theodore Balsamon. In 1203 years it held, in consultation with the emperor and the synod of Constantinople, that the celebration of the Liturgy of St. Mark the Apostle, is "non-canonical" With reference to the habits of Constantinople, in which the two widely celebrated liturgies - St. And St. John Chrysostom. Basil the Great. The decision was also stretched to the Liturgy of St. Jacob. Liturgy of St. Mark the Apostle, is preserved in the Coptic church. Currently

Divine Liturgy of St. James the Apostle is celebrated in Orthodox Churches greckojęzycznych Middle East on the Feast of the Apostle, 23 October / 5 November and Sunday after Christmas. In addition, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem is celebrated on the Sundays of Lent, Maundy Thursday and Holy Saturday. In the other Orthodox Churches, including the PAKP, Liturgy of St. James is celebrated once a year - 23 October / 5 November.

["celebrations of the Orthodox Church," the crowd. Paprocki, H., ed. "M", Krakow 2003]

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Excessive Bleeding From Nose

two hundred and first Colors

It got terribly grim ... But there is an antidote - music and painting - the colors ...

TimeScapes: Rapture from Tom Lowe @ Timescapes on Vimeo .