Here, even the angels do not help
fact that last year jeszczePrezydent Dombrowicz body from snow gave the city, it may be from the perspective of time and tons of snow, which then fell somehow swallow. But tonight! The Snow attack by mighty little - compared with last year - and the city impassable. Fordońska not odśnieżona, the average speed of 20-30 km / h. Łęczycka which the inhabitants of Bydgoszcz ride from the Upper Terrace Bartodziejów in an awful state! Stone - a nightmare! You can drive a veritable turning pirouettes. I hate to think what would happen today if the Bydgoszcz decreased the amount of snow as in Warsaw and Lodz?
Katowice, much more buried than our beautiful city, but there in the morning the main routes were black, or how you want to be ... Well another setback jeszczePrezydenta, which I think even the angels have no help in getting the office for another term!
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