Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cost Of A Quinceanera

The Masses. Tridentine

cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with the Tridentine HOLY MASS!

the feast of St. Joseph, Fr. Peter Natanek the first time he celebrated Masses. Tridentine at their place of residence and ministry-in Hermitage Niepokalanow (in Grzechyni).

Fr. Peter celebrated the Mass. early in the Polish language, and thus in the translation from the Latin original. The faithful have Mass texts. Correspond to the priest, and therefore are fully aware of what happens during the Liturgy.
Then, during the Eucharistic Prayer, Fr. Peter goes into Latin, the faithful continue to follow the course of the Liturgy in the text. (Besides, are well aware of the contents of the Eucharistic prayer, because Fr. Natanek Peter and the Vatican II Mass prays only first Eucharistic prayer, that the Tridentine Mass).
recording of the Liturgy takes 1 hour 16 minutes.

is worth mentioning that on 15-18 April at the Hermitage will be held the so-called "Meetings farming" - the focus for the formation of the faithful. Fr. Peter will bring participants to the essence and message of the Tridentine Mass. We will be able to follow the course of these retreats through Web TV "Christus Vincit - TV"

Internet address said that the Tridentine Mass -
mms: / / / 20110319_msza_ok.wmv

contrast, text in Latin and Polish can be found at the Catholic Bookstore "Sanctus" at


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