Friday, March 18, 2011

Codigo Activacion De Window Blinds

"Joseph was a miracle of holiness"

Mary says to Maria Ágreda of St. George. Joseph:
"My daughter! Pisałaś true that my husband of Joseph occupies a very high place among the heavenly saints and princes, but neither are you not able to describe his great sanctity, nor mortals fail to know her until they will inherit watching Faces God. Only then, surprised to understand this mystery, and will praise the Lord.
On the last day, when will the court over all the people will be miserable reprobates crying bitterly, that they did not know this powerful and effective means of salvation, which is the intercession of Saint. Joseph to be regretted that it did not used this way to appease the Supreme fair.

None of the children of the world does not know the privileges and graces which the Lord has given to my holy spouse, nor the power of his intercession before the Majesty of God and in me.
I assure you, my darling daughter, that he is in heaven, one of the closest confidants of the Lord, and that many can do to reverse the punishment of sinners the righteousness of God!
You have received this mystery of great revelations and explanations and that is why I want you to be very thankful to the Lord for this grace also and I should be grateful for this blessing that you conferment. Try
lifelong preserve and develop the devotion and heartfelt love for my husband.
glorify the Lord, that he so generously enriched with graces, and that blew me to know my greatest joy. All
needs to worry about him and his agency, try to win him many devotees, for whatever my bridegroom asks in heaven, the Lord will not refuse on the ground. Great and extraordinary gifts you promised to give to people through Saint. Joseph, if only people wanted to benefit from this. "

Some privileges and graces that God gave to St. Josef,
and which man can attain this holy asking for intercession.
Here they are:

1) The reason St. Joseph can be obtained chastity and to overcome the danger of temptations of sensuality.

2) Through him, you can obtain the powerful grace disposal of the state of sin and reconciliation with God.

3) You can be the cause of Mary grace and true to her devotion.

4) Through him we can attain the grace of a happy death and care against Satan in the hour of death.

5) demons tremble when they hear the name Joseph.

6) With it you can get health of the body and help in various needs.

7) for causing the families receive the blessing of offspring .

(Maria Ágreda "Mystical City of God" , ed "Michalineum", 2005, p. 187-188)


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